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Your Family’s Financial Fiduciary

Over the years, we have guided families through each financial stage of life and personal changes of season. They have benefited from our certified planning skills and have appreciated our ability to work with their other professional advisors to create and manage their comprehensive financial plans. But, more importantly, the key to our successful family relationships is that each one is based on a high level of trust established over many years. It would be our privilege to achieve that kind of relationship with you.

Even the best-laid plans can go awry if you’re not working with the right people – advisors with experience and credentials.

Meet Your Team

2022-08-23 - David Morgan
David T. Morgan, CFP®

Managing Partner

2022-08-23 - Howard Jordan
Howard J. Jordan, CFP®

Managing Partner

2022-08-23 - Kelso Huffman
Kelso K. Huffman

Senior Vice President

2023-04-17 - Carl Santos Ocampo
Carl Santos-Ocampo, CFP®

Vice President

2022-08-23 - David C Morgan
David C. Morgan, CFP®

Financial Advisor

2022-08-23 - Katherine Lauer
Katherine Lauer

Practice Manager

Addie Santiago Ramirez

Client Relationship Associate

Gillian Manantan

Client Relationship Associate

An Open & Honest Discussion